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The Foundation

Aims of the foundation

Based in Cologne as a foundation under civil law, the Jean-Uhrmacher-Foundation has defined its tasks and objectives for the study of diseases in Otorhinolaryngology. For this purpose, research projects are carried out and supported in cooperation with the ear, nose and throat clinic of the University of Cologne and other academic and university partners. Its aims are to develop methods for improved diagnosis and treatment of these diseases including its sequelae. Positive research results are published.

Exective Board

The current executive board of the Jean-Uhrmacher-Foundation consists of a scientific and an adminstrative member:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. J.P. Klußmann
(Director of the ENT University Clinic of Cologne)

Sven Rothfuß
Attorney, medical law
The first executive board, which was active between 1978 - 1985, consisted of Prof. Dr. Dr. med. dent. F. Wustrow (former director of the ENT University Clinic of Cologne) and Mr W. Jonas, CEO of Jean Uhrmacher GmbH, a basalt works in Enspel, Westerwald. Prof. Dr. med E. Stennert was executive board menmer until 2018. Since 1978, the audit and clearance of the foundation's accounts are carried out by Mr. M. van Kerkom. (auditing company Herfort, van Kerkom, Hover, Streit, Cologne) and successors (

Geschichte der Stiftung

Die Gründung der Jean-Uhrmacher-Stiftung (JUS) erfolgte im Jahre 1978 durch Frau Hildegard Uhrmacher, die ihren Ehemann, Jean Uhrmacher, im Jahre 1971 durch die Folgen einer schweren Erkrankung im HNO-Bereich verlor. Noch zu Lebzeiten Herrn Uhrmachers entstand aus dessen persönlicher Betroffenheit heraus der Wunsch, die klinische HNO-Forschung finanziell zu unterstützen.